Announcements (Page 2)

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summer events

Summer Events!

We’ve got some great stuff planned this summer to connect, play, serve, pray, and learn!
farm market

It’s almost Farm Market season!

March 22, 2023A Note from Amanda Nofzinger Dear Friends, When I was a little kid going to the Farm Market with my grandparents in Michigan, I never really thought about what it would take to run one. I had no idea that that little seed of tradition would lead me into the role I play today.  Now that I am the Farm Market Manger, let me share with you what it takes to organize the summer market.  December: January: February:…
rest renewal Zion National Park

Rest & Renewal

March 1, 2023A Note from Pastor April Dear Friends, On Sunday I shared with the congregation that I’ll be taking a few months away this late summer and fall for a season of renewal leave (July 16-November 13). In the United Methodist Church, pastors are encouraged by our Book of Discipline to take some time away every six years for rest and renewal. Both Pastor Jon and I took a time of renewal leave before we began our appointments here…
Focus groups featured image FI

Focus Groups

Help create our future! We invite you to engage in conversation on the financial issues facing HUMC and what worship in Warehouse 839 will look like going forward. FOCUS GROUP 4 – Topic: Financial Status. Thursday, December 1, 6:30pm in the sanctuary building, parlor. Facilitated by Finance Chair Will Thorsberg.

Town Hall Meeting: Action Steps

Whether you were able to attend the State of the Church Town Hall Meeting or not, we are SO grateful that you are interested in taking some action steps on these issues. Your participation means more than you know, and your engagement will help us create our future as a church. Thank you! Action Step Ideas We invite you to prayerfully consider what God is inviting you to do in the days to come. Choose the step or steps that…

Becoming the Church the World Needs

November 9, 2022A Note from Pastor April Dear Friends, I remember the moment like it was yesterday. I was 10 years old, and my family and I were on our way out of First United Methodist Church for the day. Rev. Brooks, the retired minister who attended our church, stopped me in the hallway. “Mark my word, April… I think one day you are going to be a minister.” I don’t remember exactly what I said to him in that…
Wednesday community supper carry out in person free hot meal outreach

Wednesday Community Supper Resumes INSIDE!

August 10, 2022A Note from Beth Latella Dear Friends, Feed My Lambs — join the Wednesday Supper Team! What do cooking and quilting have in common? They are two of my favorite activities, but more than that, for me, they are two methods of offering warmth and comfort. They are also two important ministries of Hilliard United Methodist Church. Both were changed, but not stopped, by the pandemic. Quilters quilted at home, which suited my view of sewing as individual…
serving others mission outreach

Feed My Sheep

July 20, 2022A Note from Pastor Jon Dear Friends, A short while after Jesus first appears to the disciples following his resurrection, the disciples had left Jerusalem and had seemingly returned to their prior jobs, as we discover in the Gospel according to John. Seven of the disciples, including Peter, had returned north to The Galilee and had resumed fishing. John’s Gospel (chapter 21) says that early one morning Jesus was standing on the shore while the seven were in…
PRIDE reconciling LGBTQ

Hilliard UMC is a Reconciling Congregation

Hilliard UMC is now a proud member of the Reconciling Ministries Network! This congregational vote and the high percentage of affirmation helps us to send a message loud and clear to the LGBTQ+ community here in our neighborhood that they are not only welcome in this church, but they are loved just as they are. More details HERE, along with our Statement of Affirmation.

11am Service Interpreted for Deaf and Hard of Hearing

Our 11am service is interpreted weekly for the deaf and hard of hearing! You can come in person or watch online or on demand. Details about worship are HERE. The American Sign Language (ASL) interpreter stands to the left of the stage/altar as you’re looking toward the front, if you want to choose your seat in the sanctuary for the best view.
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