
Vision & Values Gatherings

For the last three years, we’ve been journeying through The Great Story. Our goal at the outset was to understand the larger arc of scripture and the grand story of what it is trying to tell us. This is a God of relationships whose primary desire has been to connect with us and help us to connect with all of creation. As we near the end of this three-year journey, we couldn’t be more excited to share with you some of the…
Advent Christmas 2023

Special Christmas Offerings

Advent 2023 Dear Friends, Can you believe that Advent is here? In just a few short weeks you are invited to join us for one of our annual Christmas Eve services of celebration. Christmas Eve this year happens on a Sunday, and as such our schedule will be a little different than most years. We will have no regular Sunday morning worship on December 24. This year we will offer at 11am a time of Traditional Christmas Eve Candlelight Worship.…
Christmas 2023

Opportunities to Serve

We have LOTS of ways you can offer to serve others at a time that fits your schedule and in a way that feels right to you. Assist families at the Hilliard Food Pantry’s Holiday Store December 15-17. Help welcome our weekday preschoolers & their families for their Christmas programs on Monday or Tuesday, December 18 or 19. Pack bags of food for Hilliard students in need to take home for the holidays with our Feeding Hilliard Students ministry. Help…
summer events

Summer Events!

We’ve got some great stuff planned this summer to connect, play, serve, pray, and learn!
farm market

It’s almost Farm Market season!

March 22, 2023A Note from Amanda Nofzinger Dear Friends, When I was a little kid going to the Farm Market with my grandparents in Michigan, I never really thought about what it would take to run one. I had no idea that that little seed of tradition would lead me into the role I play today.  Now that I am the Farm Market Manger, let me share with you what it takes to organize the summer market.  December: January: February:…
Gobble & Squash fundraiser Faith Finders

Gobble & Squash: Thank You!

November 30, 2022A Note from Nikki Buskirk Dear Friends, Sitting around the table as we prepare to have dinner, my family does the time-honored tradition of saying what we are thankful for. I thought it was rather cringe-worthy when we started doing it, but now it’s kind of a check-in-with-kids-and-each-other moment. It helps us as parents start conversations with the boys, and it helps us check in with each other. This year’s answers were a mixed bag. Silas said he’s…
Gobble & Squash children's ministry faith finders fundraiser outreach mission

Gobble & Squash!

Children’s Ministry Outreach Fundraiser We have enough yards to Gobble & Squash at this point, but you can still donate! Signups are full to have a friend’s lawn “Gobbled & Squashed,” but you can still help the children in our Faith Finders group (grades 3-6) raise funds to support The Church for All People’s Children’s Christmas Free Store. Make Your Contribution Here Give online using the link below: use the Operating Fund line and put “Gobble & Squash” in the…
Trunk or Treat Halloween candy

It felt safe, it felt like family, it felt like love…

September 21, 2022A Note from Lindsay Robinson Dear Friends, What do you want to be for Halloween? This is a question that I don’t think I’ve ever had to actually ask my own children. Other kids? Absolutely. My children, on the other hand, have been telling me what they wanted their costumes to be since before last Christmas. Sometimes the costume requests are simple and thankfully easy to accomplish. Others leave me trying to figure out if it’s even possible…
Faith Finders children weekday kids

Seeds of Faith

September 7, 2022A Note from Nikki Buskirk Dear Friends, By now many of you know that I have this dream of being a homesteader, of having acres upon acres of land where I can grow things. Even though that’s a distant dream of mine, I do have a substantial garden plot in my backyard where Tyler, the boys, and I grow food every year, which we harvest and then process to be used until the next growing season. This year…
farm market

Watch the Ripples

August 25, 2022A Note from Amanda Nofzinger Dear Friends, The Dalai Lama once said, “Just as ripples spread out when a single pebble is dropped into water, the actions of individuals can have far-reaching effects.” This quote has really resonated with me as I have been reflecting on my three years as the manager of the Hilliard Farm Market. I would never have guessed just how many “ripples” there would be. These are just a few of the ripples that…
serving others mission outreach

Feed My Sheep

July 20, 2022A Note from Pastor Jon Dear Friends, A short while after Jesus first appears to the disciples following his resurrection, the disciples had left Jerusalem and had seemingly returned to their prior jobs, as we discover in the Gospel according to John. Seven of the disciples, including Peter, had returned north to The Galilee and had resumed fishing. John’s Gospel (chapter 21) says that early one morning Jesus was standing on the shore while the seven were in…